Biomolecular NMR Assignments: The 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments of the C‑terminal domain of Serpine mRNA binding protein 1 (SERBP1), (Libich Lab)


SERBP1 is a multifunctional mRNA-binding protein that has been shown to play a regulatory role in a number of biological processes such as thrombosis, DNA damage repair, and the cellular response to nutrient deprivation. Additionally, SERBP1 is upregulated in glioblastoma, leukemia as well as liver, prostrate and ovarian cancers where it has been implicated in metastatic disease and poor patient outcomes. SERBP1 binds target mRNA, stabilizing and regulating the post-translational expression of the transcript. Since SERBP1 lacks canonical RNA-binding motifs such as RRM domains or zinc fngers, its target recognition and binding mechanisms are not well understood. Recent reports suggest that it is capable of recognizing both RNA sequence motifs and structured domains. Here we report the production and purifcation of the intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain of SERBP1, the assignment of the 1H, 13C, 15N backbone resonances of the protein by solution-state NMR, and secondary structure predictions. We show that the protein is not entirely disordered and identify an α-helix that
was stable under the experimental conditions. This work is the frst step toward understanding the structural basis underpinning the molecular mechanisms of SERBP1 functions, particularly interactions with mRNA targets.

Keywords SERBP1 · mRNA binding · Intrinsically disordered protein · NMR

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Since 2004, UT Health San Antonio, Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute’s (Greehey CCRI) mission has been to advance scientific knowledge relevant to childhood cancer, contribute to the understanding of its causes, and accelerate the translation of knowledge into novel therapies. Through discovery, development, and dissemination of new scientific knowledge, Greehey CCRI strives to have a national and global impact on childhood cancer. Our mission consists of three key areas — research, clinical, and education.

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Article Categories: Research Paper

Since 2004, UT Health San Antonio, Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute’s (Greehey CCRI) mission has been to advance scientific knowledge relevant to childhood cancer, contribute to understanding its causes, and accelerate the translation of knowledge into novel therapies. Greehey CCRI strives to have a national and global impact on childhood cancer by discovering, developing, and disseminating new scientific knowledge. Our mission consists of three key areas — research, clinical, and education.

Stay connected with the Greehey CCRI on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram.