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Gupta COVID19 Press Clippings

2021-6-10Our Community NowThe coronavirus is a master of camouflage - and San Antonio scientists caught it in the act
2021-6-9San Antonio Express-NewsThe coronavirus is a master of camouflage - and San Antonio scientists caught it in the act
2021-6-8Texas Public RadioSan Antonio Scientists Uncover One Way The COVID-19 Virus Hides From The Immune System
2021-6-8KERA (DFW)San Antonio Scientists Uncover One Way The COVID-19 Virus Hides From The Immune System
2021-6-8KABB (San Antonio)UT Health San Antonio researchers discover how Covid can hide in the body
2021-6-7Texas Standard(starting at 14:00-16:20) We’re continuing to learn about COVID19 and what some Texas researchers say the virus does to hide in your body.
2021-6-4SFGate.comMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself, study shows
2021-6-4Times of IndiaIndian-origin scientist identifies metal ions that help SARS-CoV2 enter cells undetected, lays groundwork for drug discovery
2021-6-3BizWire ExpressMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself, study shows
2021-6-3Yahoo! FinanceMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself, study shows
2021-6-3PR WebCOVID-19 can conceal itself from body's immune responses; poses new threat
2021-6-3BioMedicineMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself
2021-6-3BezingaMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself, study shows
2021-6-3Medical NewsSARS-CoV-2 exploits metal-dependent mechanism to evade immune surveillance
2021-6-3WFMZ-TV (Lehigh Valley, PA)Metal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself, study shows
2021-6-3NoticiasDe (Spain)Los iones metálicos ayudan al virus de la COVID-19 a camuflarse, según un estudio
2021-6-3Cronica De Cantabria (Spain)Los iones metálicos ayudan al virus de la COVID-19 a camuflarse, según un estudio
2021-6-3Infosalus (Spain)Los iones metálicos ayudan al virus de la COVID-19 a camuflarse
2021-6-3Alagoasreal (Brazil)Os íons metálicos ajudam o vírus COVID-19 a se disfarçar
2021-6-3Contagion LiveHow the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Disguises Itself in the Body
2021-6-2EurekAlertMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself
2021-6-2Science CodexMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself
2021-6-2News Medical Life SciencesSARS-CoV-2 exploits metal-dependent mechanism to evade immune surveillance
2021-6-2Daily HuntCOVID-19 can conceal itself from body's immune responses; poses new threat
2021-6-2Phys.orgMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself
2021-6-2ScienMagMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself
2021-6-2Bioengineer.orgMetal ions help COVID-19 virus to disguise itself
2021-6International Business TimesCOVID-19 can conceal itself from body's immune responses; poses new threat
2021-4-12Nature Communications2020 Top 50 SARS-CoV-2 Articles
2020-10-28Argonne National LaboratoryHide and seek: Understanding how COVID-19 evades detection in a human cell
2020-08-26Advanced Photon SourceHow SARS-CoV-2 RNA Evades Host Immune Responses
2020-08-26ArzteZeitungImportant study results on Corona from May to July
2020-07-30Health 24How the coronavirus infects: It can make itself unrecognisable to cells in the body
2020-07-28FOX NEWS 29 - SAN ANTONIODecoding Coronavirus Structure Could Lead to New Antiviral Drugs
2020-07-28DAILY BEAST: How the Coronavirus Disguises Itself Before It Attacks
2020-07-28SciTech DailySARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Has a “Camouflage” That Causes Cells Not to Recognize It – “Fundamental Advance in Our Understanding of the Virus
2020-07-28NEWS 4 WOAI: Decoding Coronavirus Structure Could Lead to New Antiviral Drugs
2020-07-28ArtzteZeitung (Germany)(mention) SARS-CoV-2 hides a camouflage protein
2020-07-28Times Now News (India)Indian origin scientist leads team of researchers on way to anti-COVID drugs
2020-07-28MSN (USA)Explained: How coronavirus tricks immune system with camouflage
2020-07-28Labortatory EquipmentCoronavirus Makes Changes That Cause Cells Not to Recognize it
2020-07-28The LaddersScientists just uncovered the sneaky way COVID-19 spreads so fast in cells
2020-07-28 The Indian Express (India)Explained: How coronavirus tricks immune system with camouflage
2020-07-27Toquoc (Vietnam)Scientists have finally figured out what makes coronavirus dangerous
2020-07-27MSN (India)Scientists decode how coronavirus molecules 'camouflage' in host cell; may lead to drug development
2020-07-27ABC (Spain)They discovered how the coronavirus is camouflaged to infect cells
2020-07-27Daily Hunt (India)Covid-19 virus tricks immune system with camouflage: Here's How
2020-07-27News4 WOAIDecoding coronavirus structure could lead to new antiviral drugs
2020-07-26Money Control (India)How coronavirus molecules 'camouflage' in host cell decoded, may lead to drug development
2020-07-26cnBeta (China)Scientists have discovered an enzyme that explains why COVID19 is so dangerous.
2020-07-26AhmedabadMirror (India)Scientists decode how coronavirus molecules 'camouflage' in host cell; may lead to drug development
2020-07-25BGRScientists finally figured out what makes the coronaviruSARS-CoV-2 Makes Changes That Cause Cells Not to Recognize It, New Findings Suggest
2020-07-25Technology TodaySARS-CoV-2 Makes Changes That Cause Cells Not to Recognize It, New Findings Suggest
2020-07-25 Epoca Magazine (Brazil)Science Report
2020-07-24NEWSWEEKCoronavirus Disguises Itself to Hide Inside Our Cells and Replicate
2020-07-24Nature CommunicatioinsStructural basis of RNA cap modification by SARS-CoV-2
2020-07-24WebWireCoronavirus makes changes that cause cells not to recognize it
2020-07-24Science DailyCoronavirus makes changes that cause cells not to recognize it
2020-07-24EurekAlertCoronavirus makes changes that cause cells not to recognize it
2020-07-24UT Health San Antonio NewsroomCoronavirus makes changes that cause cells not to recognize it
2020-07-24Gene NewsCoronavirus Disguises Its mRNAs Using a Cap-Modifying Enzyme
2020-07-24 UOL (Brazil)Coronavirus is able to camouflage itself in cells, says study
2020-07-24Spiegel Science (Germany)This is how the corona virus tricks out the immune defense
2020-07-24 Olhar Digital (Brazil)Covid-19 virus uses enzyme to 'camouflage' and invade cells
2020-07-24BreitbartResearchers identify enzyme that helps COVID-19 evade immune system
2020-07-24United Press InternationalResearchers identify enzyme that helps COVID-19 evade immune system
2020-07-247th SpaceCoronavirus makes changes that cause cells not to recognize it
2020-07-24InfoSurhoy SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Has a “Camouflage” That Causes Cells Not to Recognize It – “Fundamental Advance in Our Understanding of the Virus”
2020-07-24MSN (Russia)The mechanism of the "masking" of the coronavirus has been clarified
2020-07-24NewsBeezerSARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus has a “camouflage” that causes cells to fail to recognize it – “Fundamental advance in our understanding of the virus”
2020-07-24Medical ExpressCoronavirus makes changes that cause cells not to recognize it
2022-4-2EurekAlertRNA ‘heroes’ can disarm bad-actor proteins in leukemia: Study
2022-4-2Science DailyRNA ‘heroes’ can disarm bad-actor proteins in leukemia: Study
2022-6-2DoveMedRNA ‘heroes’ can disarm bad-actor proteins in leukemia: Study
2022-10-2Oncology NewsRNA ‘heroes’ can disarm bad-actor proteins in leukemia: Study