Pharmacology & Therapeutics: Lessons learned from 20 years of preclinical testing in pediatric cancers (Houghton, Kurmasheva)
November 11, 2024Malcolm A. Smith a, Peter J. Houghton b, Richard B. Lock c, John M. Maris d, Richard Gorlick e, Raushan T. Kurmasheva b, Xiao-Nan Li f, Beverly A. Teicher a, Jeffrey H. Chuang g, Filemon S. Dela Cruz h, Michael A. Dyer i, Andrew L. Kung h, Michael W. L …
Molecular Oncology: Hijacking the BAF complex: the mechanistic interplay of ARID1A and EWS::FLI1 in Ewing sarcoma (Libich Lab)
October 3, 2024Erich J. Sohn, David S. Libich Abstract Ewing sarcoma, an aggressive pediatric cancer, is driven by the EWS::FLI1 fusion protein, which disrupts gene expression by hijacking the BAF chromatin remodeling complex. Central to this mechanism is the formati …
Vaccines: Pediatric Oncology Providers’ HPV Vaccine Knowledge, Attitude, Self-Efficacy, and Practice after Communication Training: A Comparison with a National Survey (Grimes)
October 3, 2024Rejane A. Teixeira ,Allison Grimes,Leanne Embry,Christine Aguilar, L. Aubree Shay Abstract Background/Objectives: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations prevent HPV infection and related cancers. Despite being at higher risk of secondary cancers linke …
Pigment Cell & Melanoma: Segregation Between an Ornamental and a Disease Driver Gene Provides Insights Into Pigment Cell Regulation (Lai Lab)
September 25, 2024Erika Soria, Qiusheng Lu, Will Boswell, Kang Du, Yanting Xing, Mikki Boswell, Korri S. Weldon, Zhao Lai, Markita Savage, Manfred Schartl, Yuan Lu ABSTRACT Genetic interactions are adaptive within a species. Hybridization can disrupt such species-specif …
Scientific Reports: Whole genome and reverse protein phase array landscapes of patient derived osteosarcoma xenograft models (Kurmasheva)
September 12, 2024Chia-Chin Wu, Licai Huang, Zhongting Zhang, Zhenlin Ju, Xingzhi Song, E. Anders Kolb, Wendong Zhang, Jonathan Gill, Min Ha, Malcolm A. Smith, Peter Houghton, Christopher L. Morton, Raushan Kurmasheva, John Maris, Yael Mosse, Yiling Lu, Richard Gorlick, …
Nature: Promotion of DNA end resection by BRCA1–BARD1 in homologous recombination (Sung, Libich)
September 12, 2024Sameer Salunkhe, James M. Daley, Hardeep Kaur, Nozomi Tomimatsu, Chaoyou Xue, Vivek B. Raina, Angela M. Jasper, Cody M. Rogers, Wenjing Li, Shuo Zhou, Rahul Mojidra, Youngho Kwon, Qingming Fang, Jae-Hoon Ji, Aida Badamchi Shabestari, O’Taveon Fitzgeral …
Journal of the National Cancer Institute: Integrative multi-omics characterization of hepatocellular carcinoma in Hispanic patients (Zheng, Chen & Lai Labs)
September 4, 2024Debodipta Das, PhD, Xiaojing Wang, PhD, Yu-Chiao Chiu, PhD, Hakim Bouamar, PhD, Francis E Sharkey, MD, Jorge E Lopera, MD, Zhao Lai, PhD, Susan T Weintraub, PhD, Xianlin Han, PhD, Yi Zou, MS, Hung-I H Chen, PhD, Carla R Zeballos Torrez, MD, PhD, Xiang …
JNCI Cancer Spectrum: Neighborhood-level social determinants of health burden among adolescent and young adult cancer patients and impact on overall survival (Aune)
September 3, 2024Elizabeth R Rodriguez, BS, Tori Tonn, BS, Midhat Jafry, BS, Sairah Ahmed, MD, Branko Cuglievan, MD, J Andrew Livingston, MD, Christopher R Flowers, MD, Gregory J Aune, MD, PhD, Karen H Albritton, MD, Michael E Roth, MD, Qian Xiao, PhD, Michelle A T Hil …
$2 million CPRIT award brings top cancer researcher to UT Health San Antonio
August 27, 2024Posted on August 23, 2024 at 8:33 am. Shared by Jane Alvarez-Hernandez As part of the $52 million Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) grant funding round announced in May, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Anton …
Nature Communications: DSS1 restrains BRCA2’s engagement with dsDNA for homologous recombination, replication fork protection, and R-loop homeostasis (Zhao)
August 20, 2024Yuxin Huang, Wenjing Li, Tzeh Foo, Jae-Hoon Ji, Bo Wu, Nozomi Tomimatsu, Qingming Fang, Boya Gao, Melissa Long, Jingfei Xu, Rouf Maqbool, Bipasha Mukherjee, Tengyang Ni, Salvador Alejo, Yuan He, Sandeep Burma, Li Lan, Bing Xia & Weixing Zhao Abstra …