IDNotes (Final diagnosis details)
1. Hepatoblastoma (n=16)
4. UTSW 1739
8. UTH 0494-000
32. UTSW 1925Biopsy
41. UTH 0511-000
44. UTSW 1957
45. UTSW 1959Metastatic
82. UTSW 0498. FT 0921
100. UTH 0543-000
114. COG 891173
118. COG 891760
129. UTSW 0707.FT1484
139. COG 896492
140. COG # 896868Liver tumor, Diagnosis pending
104. UTSW 0585.FT1232
145. UTSW 0731.FT1509
166. COG 901402
2. Wilms Tumor (n=19)
5. UTSW 1753
9. UTSW 1763Metastatic Wilms tumor to liver
25. UTSW 1912Wilms Tumor of left kidney
46. UTSW 1960Wilms Tumor of right kidney
57. UTSW 2050Wilms Tumor of left kidney
59. UTSW 2083
14. UTSW 1823
85. UTSW 2264Renal malignant tumor, right kidney
90. UTSW 0560. FT 1062Liver metastasis of a retroperitoneal Wilms tumor
117. UTSW 0655.FT1332Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumor)
121. UTSW 0668.FT1366
155. UTSW 0753.FT1554
33. UTSW 1932Wilms tumor
145. UTSW 0731.FT1509Nephroblastoma, NOS (Wilms tumor)
156. UTSW 0762.FT1562Nephroblastoma (Wilms Tumor)
165. UTSW 0777.FT1594Wilms tumor
3. Germ Cell Tumor (n=10)
12. UTSW 1795
15. UTSW 1826Germ cell carcinoma of right testicle
28. UTSW 1917Malignant neoplasm of testis
50. UTSW 1979Malignant Germ Cell Tumor (GCT) of testis
60. UTSW 2084Malignant neoplasm of Undecended Testis
63. UTSW 2114A mixed germ cell tumor
64. UTSW 2129Mixed Germ Cell Tumor (GCT)
77. COG 883129Mixed Germ Cell Tumor (GCT)
119. COG 892257Germ Cell Tumor (Ovary)
141. COG 896751
Mixed Germ Cell Neoplasm (Right Testicle)
3. Neuroblastoma
21. UTSW 1853
26. UTSW 1913Thoracic Neuroblastoma
78. UTH 0530-000
86. UTSW 0512. FT 0963
Neuroblastoma with a mass on the left posterior mediastinum
4. Sarcomas
7. UTSW 1754
10. UTH 0500-000Clear cell sarcoma of the Kidney
13. UTSW 054Osteosarcoma (Biopsy)
24. UTSW 1907Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of left parotid
30.UTSW 1922Sarcoma of brain
51.UTSW 1981Osteosarcoma of femur, right
55. UTSW 2035Osteosarcoma of right femur
71. UTH 0522-000Aggressive Osteosarcoma
74. UTSW 2197Suspected Osteosarcoma
79. UTH 0532-000Ewing Sarcoma, a right tibia resection
103. UTSW 0529.FT1214Osteosarcoma
106. UTSW 1792.FT2344Clear Cell Sarcoma
130. UTH 0556-000Metastatic Osteosarcoma
133. UTH 0560-000Osteosarcoma, Autopsy
134. UTH 0560-000-1Osteosarcoma Lung Met ( Autopsy)
137. UTH 0564-000Osteosarcoma Skin Met ( Autopsy), Skin nodule, overlying Rib
151. UTSW 0744.FT1525Osteosarcoma
99. UTSW FT 2324Osteosarcoma, left femur
146. UTH 0584-000Clear Cell Sarcoma
151. UTSW 0744.FT1525Suspected Ewing Sarcoma, Posterior Chest wall tumor, diagnosis pending
152. UTH 0589-000Osteosarcoma, left femur
Suspected Ewing Sarcoma, diagnosis pending
5. Brain tumors
1. UTH 0462-000
2. UTH 0466-000Medulloblastoma
56. UTH 0516-000Medulloblastoma (Grade IV), posterior fossa, metastasis to CNS & spine
6. Other tumors
11. UTSW 1796
34. UTSW 1939Sertoli Leydig  Cell Tumor of Ovary
37. CHD 875194Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, left
52. UTSW 1982Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma, left
84. UTH 0533-000Malignant epitheloid Mesothelioma
157. COG 900533Recurrent Parotid gland Aadenocarcinoma
797. COG 900797
159. COG # 900401
163. UTSW 0733.FT1588Solid mediastinal mass, diagnosis pending
164. UTSW 0776.FT1593Ovarian tumor
165. UTH 0585-000-1Ovarian tumor