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Kitagawa Lab

Dr. and staff

Katsumi Kitagawa, Pharm.D., PhD

Rank: Associate Professor
Department: Molecular Medicine
Office: 4.100.20
Tel: 210.562.9062

Our research goal is to understand the role of aneuploidy (chromosome loss or gain) in childhood cancer development. We are currently investigating the mechanism of CIN (chromosome instability) in pediatric tumors.

UTHSA Faculty Profile: Katsumi Kitagawa, Pharm.D., PhD

Lab Research

Lab Staff

Risa Kitagawa, PhD
Research Scientist, Sr

Teresa Marple, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow

Ediri E Metitiri
Graduate Student

Prasad Pankaj 

Aradhan Sakar
Postdoctoral Fellow


Graduate students are welcome.

Featured News

Katsumi Kitagawa, Pharm.D., PhD Awarded $1M NSF Grant


Scientific Reports: A CIC-related-epigenetic factors-based model associated with prediction, the tumor microenvironment and drug sensitivity in osteosarcoma (Kitagawa Lab)
January 16, 2024

Katsumi Kitagawa, Pharm.D., PhD, to Receive NIH Grant to study “The Role of EWSR1 at the Centromere.”
June 16, 2023

Cell Reports: EWSR1 Maintains Centromere Identity (Kitagawa & Houghton labs)
May 30, 2023

All news