IF 10+
Nature Communications: Genomic disparities between cancers in adolescent and young adults and in older adults (Wang, Langevin, Houghton, & Zheng)
December 6, 2022
Xiaojing Wang, Anne-Marie Langevin, Peter J. Houghton & Siyuan Zheng Cancers cause significant mortality and morbidity in adolescents and young adults (AYAs), but their biological underpinnings are incompletely understood. Here, we analyze clinical and genomic disparities between AYAs and older adults (OAs) in more than 100,000 cancer patients. We find significant differences in clinical presentation between [...]NPJ | Precision Oncology: An international working group consensus report for the prioritization of molecular biomarkers for Ewing sarcoma (Bishop)
September 21, 2022
David S. Shulman, Sarah B. Whittle, Didier Surdez, Kelly M. Bailey, Enrique de Álava, Jason T. Yustein, Adam Shlien, Masanori Hayashi, Alexander J. R. Bishop, Brian D. Crompton, Steven G. DuBois, Neerav Shukla, Patrick J. Leavey, Stephen L. Lessnick, Heinrich Kovar, Olivier Delattre, Thomas G. P. Grünewald, Cristina R. Antonescu, Ryan D. Roberts, Jeffrey A. [...]Nucleic Acids Research: Exploration and analysis of R-loop mapping data with RLBase (Bishop Lab)
August 30, 2022
Henry E Miller, Daniel Montemayor, Janet Li, Simon A Levy, Roshan Pawar, Stella Hartono, Kumar Sharma, Bess Frost, Frédéric Chedin, Alexander J R Bishop Abstract R-loops are three-stranded nucleic acid structures formed from the hybridization of RNA and DNA. In 2012, Ginno et al. introduced the first R-loop mapping method. Since that time, dozens of R-loop mapping studies have been conducted, yielding hundreds of publicly available [...]